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The question isn’t at what age I want to retire but at what income?

Pensions are an extremely tax efficient way of saving. You get tax relief on your saving at your marginal rate of tax; funds accumulate tax free until retirement and you get a percentage of your fund tax free at retirement.

Why are Pension Plans worth learning about?


What can I do with my fund when I retire?


What about my older pension plans with my former employers?


Company Director

As a company director you can arrange for your company to set up a pension plan for you.

The company makes pension contributions on your behalf and the business can claim corporation tax relief on all such payments.

If you wish to discuss the advantages to you of setting up a plan please feel free to call us anytime.


If your employer offers you membership of a company pension plan you should take the opportunity to do so.

You will benefit from the employer contributions and you may also be required to make a contribution to the plan yourself.

At Full Circle Financial Services Limited we can make sure you are investing with the best pension providers in the market place.

Changing job?

When you change job you need to consider what you might do next with any pension benefits that you have accrued with your former employer.

You have a number of options including transferring the proceeds into a plan in your own name.

It is essential that you get the right advice before you make any decisions We can help you with making the right decison for you.

Approaching Retirement

When you retire you will have a number of choices as to how you might choose to use your pension funds – including taking some of your funds as tax free cash.

Your personal circumstances will play a part in establishing what might work best for you.

At Full Circle Financial Services Limited we have considerable experience in this area and we can give you advice on all the options and what would suit you best.

Full Circle Financial Services Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland – C130136